Thursday, September 13, 2012

So this is day one of being a published author. I started this novel three years ago. The journey we are taking together has really only just begun. Being an independently published author means a lot of self-promotion. I still need to get good reviews for the book. That means I have to pay for an outfit like Booklist to read and review the novel. 

I want the book to go far. I put a lot into it. I hope its echoes of Americana have some appeal outside of just a story about a paperboy. No story is completely universal while thoroughly concrete, but I have threaded through the novel symbols that hopefully lend the book more depth. From the epigraphs on, birds are an important symbol in the book. Flight is a universal dream of human beings. Flight is sometimes a necessity. Charles Parker is very much a wedded to the ground, but he is haunted by flight. 

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