Sunday, October 7, 2012

This is a 1959 Cadillac. The cars looked like rockets but Chuck Parker's life was all too grounded. For all the exuberance of the car designers, there was a lot of pessimism in many lives as the tail-end of the Eisenhower era. When a few years later Kennedy said America should go to the moon it was heroic because it was desperate. To get to the moon NASA would have to catch up with the Russians and surpass them. And they don't call it rocket science for nothing. If math was not your strong suit, you didn't really believe space would do anything for you personally. You were one small piece in a machine that seemed to be growing beyond recognition. Maybe some day Marvin the Martian would blow up the Earth with his Uranium PU-36 Space Modulator. More on that next time. Gee-wiz, I gotta go!

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